Chased by puppets - CArole 2011-05-22 19:05:40


Chased by puppets - CArole 2011-05-22 19:05:40

I dreamt I was being chased around a big house by wooden puppets and a nothing puppet that wanted to suck me in. In the end I had to stab the woman controlling it with a fire poker.

Hello Carole
First of all its a chasing dream. That means there is something bothering you.
The house is you. and in the house are some puppets chasing you.
Wooden puppets in a house are symbols of personal inner sides. Sides that you experience are not really live. But wood is a material used in dreams to symbolize something "that has been alive". So there is also that aspect in your dream.
To be chased inside of yourself - that can mean sides , structures that you feel are "trying to take over". The "nothing puppet" (is it a sort of string-puppet)? is trying to totally suck you in, and you finds the female controlling it, and you stab her.
Death in a dream is much better symbol, than you might think. It means something you are mature to leave. So your dream is a very positive dream. What you do in your dream is the best you can do in a chasing dream - meanly; stop escaping and go against the perpetrator. That means you have overcome the thing that has been worrying you. Dead in a dream also means "growth". (maturing).
all the best


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